As pundits debate whether or …
RUSH: If where you live this isn't the top headline in your favorite news source, then you need to continue finding others.  Because the only headline, the only story that matters today: "Democrats Try To Steal Election By Threatening Electors."  If that's not the headline in your local paper, stop reading your local paper... I'll tell you who ought to be telling them to knock it off:  Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.  That's where, "Knock it off, grow up, we lost and get ready for the next one."  That's where that ought to be coming from, Obama and Hillary.  But they are encouraging this business.
So far the only "Faithless Electors" in the 2016 Election have been Democratic Electors who were supposed to vote for Hillary Clinton. In Washington State, 8 of
Demonstrators erupt after Wisconsin's 10 presidential electors cast their #ElectoralCollege ballots for Republican Donald Trump. pic.twitter.com/A0GrASaIbY —
Franz Klintsevich, a key ally of Vladimir Putin claimed the Russian Ambassador to Turkey Andrey Karlov was murdered at the request of a NATO government.
A truck plowed into a crowded Christmas market in Berlin on Monday, killing at least nine and injuring more than 50 in what police believe was a deliberate attack, and one that was a chilling echo of the July incident in Nice in which 86 people were slain by a terrorist.
Hillary Clinton won the state’s popular vote, but three of 12 members of the Electoral College voted for Colin Powell, the former secretary of state; and one voted for Faith Spotted Eagle, a Native American elder from South Dakota.
Migrants are increasingly returning to Calais two months after the "Jungle" closure, a charity says.
"People are just standing back and letting this happen," he said.
November marks the latest surge in a new wave of illegal immigration.
One Florida Uber driver fatally …
Anti-Jewish boycotts of 1920s-1930s and Arab League repackaged as “social justice” to appeal to Western liberals.
A lead opponent makes $360,000 a year to enable a culture of voter fraud and lawlessness.
A professor at Boston University recently touched on origins of the term ‘politically correct.’ And it's revealing.
UW-Madison class aims to tackle 'white supremacy.'
HARRISBURG — Thousands of emails land in their inboxes every day. Copies of the Federalist Papers and other books urging political courage are being mailed to their homes. They are even getting phone calls in the middle of the night. Such has been the life of Pennsylvania's 20 electors for President-elect Donald Trump since the Nov. 8 election. On Monday, they will travel to the state Capitol to cast their votes to assign Pennsylvania's 20 electoral votes to Trump and Vice President-elect Mike Pence during what has, in the past, been a ceremonial and largely unnoticed event. Not this year. This time around, the electors will be greeted by organized protests, urging them to assign Pennsylvania's electoral votes to anyone but Trump. One elector, Ash Khare, said he and each of the 19 others
Our friendly God- Emperor Trump is due to be confirmed by the electoral college today and liberals the world over are struggling to answer the question How do I explain Trump to my kids? It looks l…
China asks Venezuela to protect its citizens, many of whom own local businesses that have been damaged in recent riots against inflation.
Author Ed Klein told Pete Hegseth on Fox and Friends Weekend this morning that Barack Obama is setting up a shadow government in Washington DC to undermine President Trump after Inauguration Day. E…
It's time to call out this issue for what it really is -- a increasingly dangerous problem. 
Many say there is no way to coexist with people who want to kill us, referring to radical Islam ISIS. cartoon by A.F. Branco ©2016.
DHS gives Somali Muslims security briefings and tours of secured areas in airports Tunisia: Rapist gets off by marrying 13-year-old girl he impregnated
Photographers captured the chilling moment a Turkish special forces police officer-turned-terrorist opened fire inside an Ankara art exhibit Monday, killing Russia's ambassador to Turkey and wounding at least three others as he shouted jihadi propaganda before being killed.
Facts are facts. Unless you make them up.