
Ted Cruz's wide lead over other contenders for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination in Texas has disappeared; he is now in a virtual tie with the surging Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, according to the latest University of Texas/Texas Tribune Poll.


The following piece was originally submitted to The Humanist after their September/October edition of the Humanist featured an article by Marco Rosaire Rossi questioning the existence of pro-life atheists. The piece, though as extensive as possible in answering standard pro-choice arguments, was ultimately rejected because it didn?t answer a number of other questions (including contraception ?


The controversial “Obamaphone” program, which pays for cellphones for the poor, is rife with fraud, according to a new government report Thursday that found more than a third of enrollees may not even be qualified.


University of Kansas students are being offered buttons through the school's library system meant to make their preferred gender pronouns clear.


Challenging new Australian research is shedding light on the little-known crime of mother-son sexual abuse.


On this day, 150 years ago, Confederate General Robert E. Lee surrendered to Union General Ulysses S. Grant at the Appomattox, Virginia Courthouse. This event essentially ended the Civil War, the bloodiest conflict in American history, which claimed the lives of over 600,000 soldiers.


The candidate is racheting up his feud with the Fox News debate moderator.


This talk became Chapter 3 of Lewis' book 'Mere Christianity' and was called 'The Reality of the [universal] Moral Law'. You can find this great reading of M...


(Reuters) - Florida-CAIR plans to sue the FBI in the death of Ibragim Todashev, a friend of one of the Boston Marathon bombing suspects.


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will address a joint meeting of Congress in Washington, D.C. on the morning of Tuesday, March 3. Watch the prime minister’s speech live in the player above.


Levin: 'We Are Not a Nation of Immigrants, We are a Nation of Citizens'


Mariah Lopez, of Huntsville, was killed after she saw two men stab to death her grandmother, Oralia Mendoza, officials said.


A trip to the “happiest place on earth” ended with a 5-year-old boy in the depths of despair. After a vacation at Disney World, Levi Zilka and his father David Zilka were stopped by security at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport recently because of a toy that the boy’s uncle had given him as


Rafael Cruz speaks at the Family Leadership Summit in Iowa last year. Perhaps nowhere is that voting bloc more important than Iowa, where social conservatives account for roughly half of Republican caucusgoers.


Republicans are looking to show they have a plan ahead of a Supreme Court ruling.


Hizb ut-Tahrir spokesman Uthman Badar told ex-Muslim Harris Sultan he deserves the death penalty during a fiery debate at the University of New South Wales in Sydney last week.


From Phoenix's Fox 10.....great segment! Subscribe to my channel for more videos. ______________________________________________________ We've seen protests ...


Hillary Clinton isn't known for being funny, at least not intentionally. But this one's pretty good. As Alex Griswold reports, Hillary may have indulged in a bit of self-deprecating humor while flo


I’m a not particularly religious Jewish libertarian, which means — if you wouldn’t have guessed — that I don’t have a moral objection to, nor a public policy framework for, homosexuality.But the reaction by many others who aren’t social issues conservatives to Indiana’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act — modeled on a federal law sponsored by liberal Democrat Chuck Schumer (NY), passed 97-3 in the Senate in 1993, and then signed by President Bill Clinton (while Democrats still had majorities in both houses of Congress) — borders on the insane.The NCAA wondered how the new law would negatively impact the upcoming Men’s Final Four in Indianapolis. The obvious answer: it won’t.Openly gay actor George Takei (of Lieutenant Sulu fame from the original Star Trek series) is “demanding that socially responsible companies withdraw their business, conferences and support” from Indiana.Liberal bloggers, in a typical mindless reaction, are calling for boycotts of products made in Indiana.


President Donald Trump hasn’t been decisive on whether he’d sign a spending bill that did not include funding for his promised border wall. But he raised a related topic in an interview with the Associated Press: declining illegal immigration.


You have probably seen the image below of the New York Times January 20 headline. It has gone viral on web and renders absurd the current denials by the Times and much of the rest of the mainstream media that there was no wiretapping of the Donald Trump campaign by the Obama administration. No, there won't be a document out there signed by former President Obama that says something like "I hereby authorize the wiretapping of the Trump campaign." There doesn't need to be. The headline and its January 19 article makes very clear that the previous administration did secretly monitor communications of the Trump campaign.


Huw Thomas, a Labour candidate in Wales, is facing calls to resign after it emerges that he wrote a blog post saying he was 'completely sickened' by England flags


Read an excerpt from the new book about 60s-era radicalism by Vanity Fair special correspondent Bryan Burrough.