Liberal writer Daniel Brezenoff accused Tucker Carlson of lying on Fox News Monday night. Brezenoff, founder of the Electoral College Petition, appeared on "Tucker Carlson Tonight" to defend the i
On Sunday, NBC Meet the Press host Chuck Todd displayed the ability for some on the left to blame Republicans for anything. During a discussion of the recent hackings from Russia that were revealed months before the presidential election, Todd asked former Bush and Obama Defense Secretary Robert Gates if Republican critics of President Obama actually provoked the hackings by accusing Obama of being "too soft on Russia" in previous years.
Starting with retired generals Mattis and Kelly, the president-elect has assembled an experienced team.
When elderly World War II veterans go to the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to receive urgent care, they may be greeted by child molesters, ex-convicts, men with face tattoos and gun-wielding rap
Former President Bill Clinton mocked President-elect Donald Trump’s intelligence, said “angry, white men” helped secure his victory and blamed FBI Director James Comey for Hillary Clinton’s November defeat during a spontaneous Q-and-A at a New York bookstore earlier this month.
Adversaries during campaign, Trump and Slim have ‘lovely dinner’ at Mar-a-Lago.
ISIS has claimed responsibility for the deadly Christmas market truck crash in Berlin, a report says. The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Force tweeted that the terror group was taking credit for the in…
Electors across the country met on Monday and officially gave Mr. Trump a majority of votes, ending a long-shot bid to block his victory.
We asked liberal elites about voter ID laws and black people. Then we asked Harlem residents their thoughts on what they just heard. Crazy!
Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you one more thing, these black people interviewed in this piece didn't have any problems with showing their ID to vote. Go figure.
Former Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton lost four of her electoral votes Monday, thanks to faithless electors in Washington state who cast their votes for Colin Powell and American Indian activist F
On Monday, President Obama pardoned a staggering 78 prisoners and commuted the sentences of 153 others. In doing so, he broke the single-day record. No president in American history has pardoned that many inmates in a single day. “With just 32 days left in office, Obama more than doubled the number of pardons he granted in the previous seven years,” reported USA Today. Over half of Obama’s pardons were granted in the last year.
Late Monday afternoon, MTV News kept to form of being a haven for far-left millennials as it released a video on Twitter, dubbed “2017 Resolutions for White Guys,” that offered advice such as stop “mansplaining” and stop saying All Lives Matter and Blue Lives Matter.
A reported shooting at an Islamic center in central Zurich left at least three people hurt, according to reports.
Vincent Viola is a Brooklyn native, West Point graduate and billionaire businessman who paid $250 million for an NHL hockey team.
COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — People buying computers in South Carolina would be limited in their access to porn online under newly proposed legislation. A bill pre-filed th
A truck has plowed into a Christmas market in western Berlin killing nine people and injuring dozens more in a suspected terrorist attack.
Two-thirds of Democrats think stories and businesses should greet customers with "Happy Holidays" or "Seasons Greetings" out of respect for people of different faiths. Two-thirds of Republicans say stick with “Merry Christmas.” according to a new Public Religion Research Institute poll.
Needless to say, there will be a lot of negative attention given to Obama playing golf in the immediate aftermath of these horrific, and potentially history
The Electoral College gathered in 50 states to formalize results of last month's election amid increased scrutiny. Despite pressure on Trump electors, more defected from Clinton than the Republican.
As electoral college voters met …
From Russia with Love!
The first half of the video contains a graphic description of a dirty job, so gird your loins. (You'll get why I chose that aphorism pretty quickly.) But do listen to the whole thing, because the insights Rowe provides are very valuable. Certainly the notion that people doing "simple" and dirty jobs live more balanced,…
Free government is the self-governance of the body politic and of the individual citizen.