Here, the tie-breaker must be the separation of powers ...
The U.S. House Judiciary Committee has scheduled a full committee mark-up of H.R. 38, the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act, this Wednesday! It’s therefore more important than ever to urge your member of Congress to support this crucial legislation. Concealed carry reciprocity is the NRA’s highest legislative priority in Congress. It would ensure that states recognize the concealed carry credentials of other states. This would end abuses in anti-gun states like New York and New Jersey and allow law-abiding concealed carriers to exercise their rights nationwide with peace of mind.
Is the real reason behind Senator Elizabeth Warren?s outrage over Mick Mulvaney?s appointment as director of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) about her own political survival? Conservative Treehouse?s Sundance believes Mulvaney is in a rare position to drain one of Washington?s deepest swamps ? and the 2020 hopeful may be collateral damage.  Conservative Treehouse writes: Elizabeth ?
A new government watchdog report shows that the Department of Veterans Affairs declined in 90 percent of cases to report potentially dangerous doctors to a national database. The purpose of the Nat
As previously reported, fake Indian Elizabeth Warren got super triggered after President Trump slammed her Monday calling her Pocahontas while honoring Native American code talkers. “You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas,” ?
Want to save net neutrality? Call your Congressman, and demand a legislative solution. That's been the answer all along.
Gutierrez Departs,Taking Democrats' Hopes for a 2017 'Dreamer' Amnesty With Him
Hours after the Washington Post 'busted' Project Veritas for trying to trick the paper into publishi
On CBS’s Face the Nation, moderator John Dickerson asked his political roundtable if there were any stories they felt were not getting enough news coverage. Predictably, the liberal journalists on the panel fretted that Republican efforts on the state level to “ban abortion” and engage in “voter suppression” were happening “completely under the radar.”
This year, in-store Black Friday traffic was down, as consumers turned online to buy their holiday gifts. But even if people weren't picking up sweaters at Target or televisions at Wal-Mart, they were out in droves picking up firearms.
An historic church in Kent which has rung its bells since 1779 is to be silenced after a single noise complaint.
Rep. Al Green (D-TX) is under fire following reports he had sex with a drug-addicted staffer and then sued her after she threatened to go public with the encounter. Green is one of the loudest voices on Capitol Hill calling for President Trump to be impeached.  Daily Caller reports: Lucinda Daniels, his onetime district director, ?
On Monday’s Morning Joe, host Joe Scarborough and rest of the show’s liberal pundits expressed their extreme frustration with President Trump for one of his Thanksgiving weekend tweets where he criticized CNN International as being “a major source of (Fake) news.” With absolutely no evidence, Scarborough came to the conclusion that Trump’s comments were intended to encourage “tyrants” to “jail” or “do worse” to American reporters because the press “won't kiss [Trump’s] ass every day on the air.”
Prince Harry's fiancee declared that the press's early focus on her mixed race background was "disheartening" Monday, according to the Associated Press. Meghan Markle, an actress of African America
President Trump will travel to Missouri on Wedensday to promote the proposed tax cuts for working Americans. Trump will likely pressure far left Democrat Claire McCaskill to vote yes on tax cuts. Trump won Missouri by 19 points in 2016. McCaskill has been a dependable Democrat vote for 12 long years. She is the disgrace …
"Senator Daines has concerns with how the tax bill looks at main street versus large corporations," an aide to the Montana Republican said.
Trump referred to Elizabeth Warren as “Pocahontas” at a ceremony honoring Navajo code talkers today. This prompted the press into a feeding frenzy at the White House Press Conference. Sarah Huckabee Sanders did not disappoint with her rebuke of Racism claims by the media. Sanders just coldy replied to questions, “I think what most people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career.” Here is the footage. Please comment below and join our Facebook for open
Jaime Phillips, who claimed to The Post that Moore impregnated her as a teenager, was seen on Monday walking into the headquarters of Project Veritas, a group that uses false cover stories and covert video recordings to expose what it says is media bias.
A professor of law at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Alabama, has had enough of millennial students who rely on trendy terms so they can deride the wisdom of the ages.
On Monday, FCC Chairman Ajit Pai told Fox & Friends that net neutrality protesters have
Helen Pluckrose Helen Pluckrose is a writer for Areo Magazine and has research interests in late medieval/early modern religious writing for and about women. Her writing is often critical of postmodernism and cultural constructivism which she sees as currently dominating the humanities. Women can be victims. In this world, there are violent, exploitative people willing to use and abuse their fellow human beings. Sometimes those human beings are women and sometimes they are abused and sexually exploited by powerful men because they are women. But women are not a class of victims. We cannot be victimised by actions and words that men can simply shrug off – an unwanted sexual advance, a strong criticism, an unkind comment, a tasteless joke, a call, a whistle, a wink. We are competent adults, fully equipped to deal with difficult, unpleasant, annoying or simply gauche behaviour. We are possessed of humour, empathy, reason, perspective and charity by which we can evaluate the behaviour of the men around us without developing a siege mentality or constructing a war zone. When ?
Al Franken is a good person, but his accuser, Leeann Tweeden, is a “bi***. At least that’s what some progressives, who normally complain about “rape culture,” are saying. ...
The U.S. Supreme Court, which has avoided major gun cases for seven years, on Monday declined to hear a challenge backed by the National Rifle Association to Maryland's 2013 state ban on assault weapons enacted after a Connecticut school massacre.