Itai Ozderman convinced a Falls Church police detective that he was a law enforcement officer, police said.
Long Island Congresswoman Kathleen Rice on Monday called for Sen. Al Franken and Rep. John Conyers to step down, and tore into House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for not taking a tougher stance on …
While the Office of Compliance has been the focus of outrage on Capitol Hill for hush-money payouts in sexual harassment cases, payouts by Rep. Raul Grijalva point to another office that lawmakers can use to sweep accusations under the rug with taxpayer-funded settlements negotiated by the House Employment Counsel.
Nancy Pelosi's effort to protect John Conyers and Al Franken — while insisting that we know all we need to know about Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore — is a naked double standard.
San Diego State University offers a daylong workshop titled "Journey to a Shared Humanity."
The spectacle of two people turning up at a major government bureau claiming to be its Acting Director this Monday is not just an indignity – it’s an affront to the Constitution. Back in 2010, the Democrat-controlled Congress set up the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to operate independently of oversight. Amid a host of other problems, that arrangement has now resulted in a mid-level bureaucrat from the bureau defying the President, his legal advisers, and the CFPB’s own legal department in an attempt to assert control. Congress needs to recognize its past mistake, abolish this lawless bureau, and start over.
Rather than press Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) hard on her stealing of funds meant for Native Americans by misrepresenting her heritage, the MSM is now treating her as just another victim of President Trump's bullying.
Before we consider all men guilty of harassment or abuse until proven innocent, a reality check is in order.

Remy: People Will Die!

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

Remy channels his inner Elizabeth Warren to vilify the other side. ------ Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://youtube.com/reasontv Like us on Facebook: ...
His leftward shift may have as much to do with institutional pressures as ideology.
The top Democrat on the House Committee on Natural Resources used taxpayer dollars to pay off a former staffer who threatened to sue, claiming the lawmaker was often drunk and created a hostile workpl
Hello Readers of Medusa Magazine. My name is {redacted} and I own ageofshitlords.com. Before I begin, I just want to state that yes, this website is satire. It has always been and will always be sa…
Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) released …
There is no conservative reason to support him. Don't choose evil.
The topic of net neutrality is one of the hottest debated issues of the modern day, and for good reason. We all use the internet and thus have a natural tendency to weigh in on issues regarding its regulation.
Deeana Maher, who worked for Conyers from 1997 to 2005, said the Detroit Democrat made unwanted sexual advances 3 times
Conservative students at Portland State University say a classmate spat on them while they hosted a “Capitalism vs. Socialism” display on Thanksgiving.
Let’s hope for the Little Sisters' sake, these frivolous lawsuits end swiftly and decisively so they can continue their good work.
For Liberals, there is no greater evil on the planet than the Koch brothers. The mere mention of their name sends most progressives into fits. For them to take control of Time magazine will be seen as a major blow to the media. Reuters reports: Meredith to buy Time Inc. in Koch-backed deal U.S...
”Usch du har sperma i ansiktet och på kläderna, blanda inte in oss”, fick kvinnan till svar. Hon hade precis blivit utsatt för en gruppvåldtäkt och misshandel i en trappuppgång i Fittja med uppemot...
National Public Radio's Cokie Roberts admitted that "for years" the female press corps has covered up sexual misconduct on Capitol Hill.
A 1972 essay written by socialist Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) expressed his views on human sexuality in which he claimed that women fantasize about being gang-raped and men fantasize about sexually abusing women.
SMILF continues its attack on Christianity in the November 27 episode "Deep-Dish Pizza & a Shot of Holy Water," but this particular episode of the Showtime series takes it to another level when it's suggested, less than a month before Christmas, that the Virgin Mary's Immaculate Conception of Jesus Christ was rape.
Fake Indian Elizabeth Warren got super triggered after President Trump slammed her Monday calling her Pocahontas while honoring Native American code talkers. “You were here long before any of us were here. Although we have a representative in Congress who they say was here a long time ago. They call her Pocahontas,” Trump said. Here’s …
‘I don’t want it to look like EPA used our own social media accounts to reach our support goal’ – EPA Director of Web Communications (Washington, DC) — Judicial Watch obtained 900-pages of documents from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) which reveal the agency’s use of the mass-sharing Thunderclap social media platform to covertly promote...