As of today, this is a list of all the 30 idiot Congressional Democrats who are skipping Netanyahu's speech because it 'offends' their anti-Israel president. And it's an ugly list too. According to...

Why Rand Paul's CPAC win matters

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Some say Scott Walker's strong second place showing means Rand Paul's win matters less. Don't believe it.
Images from /r/funny/comments/1d5ls1/obama_if_daughters_get_tattoos_we_will_too/
Austria's parliament passed a law on Wednesday that seeks to regulate how Islam is administered, singling out its large Muslim minority for treatment not applied to any other religious group. The "Law on Islam" bans foreig...
Bring Back the Bush Doctrine—with One Addition - There is a path to victory in the fight against radical Islam, and our next president should embrace it.

Articles: Going Home to the Reagan Years

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

As terror-torn France and other European countries put curbs on Islamic immigration, the Obama administration is waving foreign Muslim nationals into the U.S. in record numbers.
John Coleman, an award-winning meteorologist and weatherman with sixty years of experience and founder of the Weather Channel, produced a video explaining the history of the man-made global warming hoax (see video below). Coleman, a former broadcast meteorologist of the year of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), explains that after being a member for several…
Susan Rice, President Obama’s National Security Advisor, told TV talk show host Charlie Rose that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s upcoming speech before Congress about Iran is “destructive” to the relationship between the United States...
The NSA's bulk collection of the telephone records of United States citizens has been approved again by a federal court.

New ID card for liberals

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
The case for criminal charges against IRS officials and former IRS director Lois Lerner keeps growing.On March 24, 2014 IRS Commissioner John Koskinen testi-lied before Congress making claims that after the IRS tried and failed to recover emails from Lois Lerner’s computer hard drive have been discovered to be false by the Inspector General’s office.…
In a historic move, the California Republican Party on Sunday officially recognized a gay GOP group.
"I am under 'investigation,'" professor Roger Pielke Jr. of the University of Colorado Boulder posted on his blog Wednesday..03/02/2015 12:50:20PM EST.
Conservatism as Counterculture - From the March 9, 2015, issue of NR
"You Jackasses are the ones who moved the goalposts every day."
Another major media outlet has apologized after getting a story about Scott Walker wrong. Last week, it was the New York Times; now, it’s The Daily Beast. The Daily Beast has retracted an article from one of its college columnists that claimed that the Wisconsin governor’s budget would cut sexual assault reporting from the state’s...
Chris Matthews continues to be MSNBC’s unending source of enlightened commentary on race relations and Republican guilt. This time on Thursday’s edition of The Reid Report he suggested that conservative opposition to executive amnesty is rooted in southern racism and was sure to remind everyone that Republicans alone will be blamed if Department of Homeland Security (DHS) shuts down “because they don't like government."
From Yahoo News: Just 24 percent of those polled said Congress should be allowed to have detailed oversight of the Fed, the poll shows. The poll of 1,388 Americans was conducted from Feb 20-24 to measure whether people supported proposed legislation that would expose the Fed to a full government audit, a move being led by Rand Paul, a likely 2016 presidential candidate. Supporters of the campaign say the Fed needs more transparency and accountability. Opponents say the Fed is already audited, and that exposure of internal policy discussions could lead to political influence over decisions on interest rates and damage market confidence.
In the days before his apparent suicide, Schweich said he was upset over what he thought was an anti-Semitic whisper campaign
Departments of Defense, Homeland Security pouring billions into police departments large and small, raising worries about militarization of local law enforcement.
LINCOLN, Neb. (Reuters) - A federal judge on Monday ruled Nebraska's ban on gay marriage unconstitutional in a decision that could allow same-sex couples to marry in the state within a week.U.S. District
Update (Feb. 25): Storm Paglia has provided an official statement to Fourth Estate regarding his removal from Student Government. Fourth Estate will con...
March 2, 2015 (www.CAN-DO-USA.com) -- It was the corruption I saw during Clinton administration that prompted me to follow politics much more closely. I found the USENET newsgroup alt.politics.clinton-whitewater a great place to read relevant news and conv
RESTORATION OF CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHTS ACT BY RYAN SHARP As most every American knows or should know, our unalienable rights under God that are not to be infringed according to our Constitution, are indeed being infringed. The evidence sho