A new book uses Hillary Clinton's own words to dismantle the case she made for losing the 2016 presidential election, detailed in her painful book "What Happened."
President Donald Trump indicated he would take action shortly to both improve security on the border and help keep families together, speaking briefly with reporters Wednesday.
Does Pennsylvania need to license barbers? How about "campsite membership salespersons"? Gov. Tom Wolf says no.
The White House is considering executive action to allow children to stay with parents caught crossing the border illegally, Fox News has learned -- a step that could avoid the family separations that have triggered a national outcry and political crisis for Republicans.

The Big Immigration Charade

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

Everything for propaganda, nothing for reality
The case will decide whether the Excessive Fines Clause of the Eighth Amendment applies to the states. If so, it will also have to address how much it
A Democratic Pennsylvania representative posted a hateful message on social media on Tuesday to "welcome" Vice President Mike Pence to his district — by flipping off the vice president.
The U.S. is the focus of international outrage for its policy of detaining children and separating them from their parents after they cross the border seeking asylum. But Canada has also detained migrant children — despite its stated policy to do whatever possible to avoid it.
When the Justice Department inspector general's report revealed that former FBI director James B. Comey had used a personal email account to conduct official business, Hillary Clinton claimed vindication. But my emails, she tweeted.
The EU has voted to adopt Article 13 and Article 11, bad copyright legislation that threatens the internet as we know it.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) said Tuesday that Democrats would reject legislation to address the border crisis.


Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

MEPs have approved a number of changes to the EU Copyright Directive — the first major overhaul to European copyright law since 2001.
Republican strategist and former Trump campaign adviser Roger Stone discusses the Trump presidency and his book on politics. He also talks about his meeting with Russian national Henry Greenberg in…
Critics call it a "dark day" as an EU committee adopts two controversial changes to copyright law.
President Trump said he would sign an executive order “to keep families together” amid a firestorm over his administration’s policy that has separated thousands of children from adults they are traveling with at the border.
Hispanic, black and white children torn away from American families.
Every single Senate Democrat has backed a bill by Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) that would effectively prevent authorities from arresting illegal aliens within 100 miles of the U.S. border. - Feinstein | Breitbart California
House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said on Monday that she has “zero tolerance” for the Republican immigration bills that President Donald Trump and House Republicans discussed on Tuesday. - Nancy Pelosi | Breitbart California
As TGP’s Cassandra Fairbanks reported, Academy Award-nominated actor and filmmaker Peter Fonda is calling for Barron Trump to be placed in a cage with pedophiles, children of ICE agents to be threatened, and Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen to be stripped naked and whipped in public. First Lady Melania Trump’s spokeswoman released a statement Wednesday …
Today’s Campaign Update (Because The Campaign Never Ends) Democrats in Action!  – It is now no longer enough for Democrats and their spokespeople pretending to be journalists at our nation?s …
DAILY CALLER: He Survived Nazi Concentration Camps – His Message On Border Security Will Silence The Media. “I don’t believe it when I heard it,” Tuck said when he heard Blumenthal’s statement, “They know nothing of the Holocaust.” “They are politicians, looking to get paid,” he said, repeating that those who make the comparison “know...
"You never want a serious crisis to go to waste." -- Rahm Emanuel, former chief of staff to President Barack Obama ****