In October, 1863, Sarah J. Hale's fifteen year effort to have the last Thursday of November become a nationally recognized day of Thanksgiving became a reality

Why conservatives hate college

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The right's decades-long war on academia and "liberal professors" is about defining an elite "populists" can oppose
Conservative women are decrying a double standard among many feminists, who have loudly defended liberals and Democrats against perceived misogyny but have been mute about insults and barbs slung at women of Republican or conservative stripes.
The president wants détente, with a nuclearizing Iran.
Security chiefs past and present, the PM and foreign and Defence secretaries from both main parties - have denounced Snowden for wreaking havoc with the cause of public safety.
It wasn't all fighting words at Thursday's Republican presidential debate, as Ted Cruz's daughters proved in several sweet moments.
The Trump administration has an intentional and explicit policy of separating migrant children from their families if caught crossing the U.S.-Mexico border without permission. Long before that, however, the administration of Barack Obama ramped up a program with largely the same effect. Since 2008, the United States
Tonight on BBC4 you have another chance to see the BBC’s latest propaganda effort on behalf of the climate change alarmism lobby. It’s called Climate Change By Numbers and I reviewed it, briefly, in the Spectator. Its arguments went something

Red Alert

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

“Why does Ted Cruz love America?” Fox News Host Sean Hannity asked the senator Thursday at the Conservative Political Action Conference. “This country is the greatest country in the history of the world. It has been a haven for freedom. When my dad was imprisoned in Cuba and fled 58 years ago, he came because …
A Free Press For A Free People Since 1997
On 25 March 1965, Martin Luther King led thousands of nonviolent protesters to the steps of the capitol in Montgomery, Alabama, from Selma, Alabama to promote civil rights for black Americans. On Firday Barack Obama invoked the "spirit of Selma"…
Justin Trudeau's controversial eulogy for the late Cuban President Fidel Castro continues to draw criticism in Canada and the US. Jason Kenney, former federa
'How did this even become a law in Maryland...'
Joshua Witt of Colorado was reportedly stabbed because his attacker believed him to be a neo-Nazi thanks to his haircut.
A media-savvy Indian-American leader of the California Republican Party who sang a Sikh prayer at last year’s national convention is an early candidate to lead the closely watched Civil Rights Division at the Justice Department.
The unidentified man identified himself as a veteran of the Kurdish armed forces.
Wealthy tech founders and the automation of middle-class jobs are often blamed for increasing concentrations of wealth in fewer hands. But a 26-year-old MIT graduate student, Matthew Rognlie, is making waves for an alternative theory of inequality: the problem is housing.
If a stay is granted, the administration can move forward with deferred deportations.
On both coasts, and in the flyover countryside between, there’s little sign of looming giant waves about to wash over the political landscape.
‘By 2034, the payroll taxes collected will be enough to pay only about 77 percent of scheduled benefits.’
Dr. Christina Greer, a professor of Political Science at Fordham University said that the US is " a patriarchal, white supremacist country"
#TheRefinery crew talk about Apple CEO Tim Cook's call to boycott Indiana over their RFRA legislation... while his company is opening stores in places that L...
If you don't laugh you'll cry. Join us tonight for the Crowder Live Election Result bonanza complete with an all-star lineup including Ben Shapiro, Andrew Kl...
OK, watch out! Incoming! I’m going to let them have it, full bore. Having just spent a month in the former Soviet Union, specifically Russia and Ukraine, I’m going to say some things that many Americans won’t want to hear. But these things need to be said. As the old saying goes, truth is the best medicine.