President Donald Trump continued his surprise Sen. Kamala Harris, D-Calif., was selected as Joe Biden's running mate, saying "nobody more insulting to Biden than she was."
The United States America appears to have lost the courage of its convictions.
The Patriot anti-ballistic missile intercepted the unmanned aerial vehicle before it penetrated Israeli skies.
US Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez turned tail on Manhattan’s Fifth Avenue to avoid a potential Republican challenger as they both marched in the National Puerto Rican Day Parade on Sunday, her political opponent said.
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris may not be taking questions from the media, but President Trump is. The president even takes questions from the fakest members of the fake news
Readers mocked the Washington Post for publishing another apparent "fluff piece" on President Biden's daily habits as he continues to field multiple crises on the U.S.-Mexico border and in the Middle East.
Shops on the Upper East Side are lowering lights, locking doors and opening by appointment only in an effort to combat daytime shoplifters.
Heroin is widely recognized by Americans and world at large as a highly dangerous drug, capable of both short term and long lasting damage on a person’s life as well as the lives around them. As ... Read More »
The effect of Christianity in our lives is so ubiquitous that things like the injunctions of the Ten Commandments appear obvious.
A student speaker is disappointed by the lack of media response after an alleged Antifa member tried to trap UW College Republicans in a classroom.
A filmmaker and policy researcher has posted online a series of documents show how the federal government required "white men" who work at Sandia National Laboratories to learn how to "deconstruct their white male culture."
More than 200 rioters — most fully clad in black and many wearing gas masks — trashed Portland soon after a peaceful march ended late Tuesday, according to the Portland Police Bureau (P…
The firm will reimburse travel costs for various treatments in the US, including abortion.
Announcing his presidential bid this month, Sen. Rand Paul said he wants to repeal “any law that disproportionately incarcerates people of color.” Fulfilling this promise would require gutting murd...
"We want to make clear to Europeans that Islam is part of European civilisation and that it isn't a recent import but has roots going back 13 centuries." Indeed, but Islam's presence in Europe was always about invasion and conquest. It was never an integral part of European civilization, and this new Muslim migrant influx is…about invasion and conquest. How bitterly ironic that "after the Paris attacks in November 2015 and the Brussels bombings in March 2016, authorities and organisers were forced to postpone the arrival of the touring exhibition in the city." But they didn't wake up. "'Islam, It's Also Our History!': EU Funded Exhibition, Featuring Fake Bomb, Opens After Terror Delay," by Liam Deacon, Breitbart, September 21, 2017: A European Union (EU) funded exhibition, called 'Islam, It's also our history!', has opened in Brussels after months of delays caused by Islamic terror attacks and security concerns. The project tracks the impact of Islam in Europe throughout history,
The California senator’s new immigration plan is a statement of her intent to govern through egregiously unconstitutional executive action.

Riot declared in Portland

Submitted 4 years ago by ActRight Community

Police in Portland, Ore. declared that a protest outside of a law enforcement building Saturday evening had become a riot and made numerous arrests after officers and police vehicles were allegedly hit with rocks and other objects.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said that people moving to Florida from other states are "overwhelmingly" registering as Republicans, ...
Violent demonstrators attacked police, vandalized a sidewalk, and smashed a local business during a portest against overturning Roe v. Wade.
A century of free speech in New York’s most public square -- the streets, the buses, the subways -- came to a screeching halt last Wednesday when the Metropolitan Transit Authority (MTA) voted to ban all issue and political advertising, solely in order to silence me.
Clinton supporters are claiming hypocrisy. Let's take a step back.

Donald J. Trump on Twitter

Submitted 5 years ago by ActRight Community

“Happy Father’s Day to all, including my worst and most vicious critics, of which there are fewer and fewer. This is a FANTASTIC time to be an American! KEEP AMERICA GREAT!”
President Trump is expected to call Joe Biden the “most dangerous” presidential candidate “in our lifetimes” and will cast him as a “Trojan horse for socialism” in an escalation of attacks against the former vice president as the Democratic National Convention gets underway. 
Biden spent his last few decades in the public eye, and in particular his well-documented history of confusing or downright