A new report from DHS said 90 percent of last year's overstayers are still here.
SHANGHAI (Reuters) – China said it will begin applying its so-called social credit system to flights and trains and stop people who have committed misdeeds from taking such transport for up to a year. People who would be put on the restricted lists included those found to have committed acts like spreading false information about …
The House of Representatives today voted for the Preventing Animal Cruelty and Torture Act, or PACT bill, will now make acts against animals a felony. The le
On Thursday, ABC held a town hall event featuring Democratic presidential candidate Joe Bide, and if you thought some of the questioners selected to ask
On Thursday, rumors surfaced that the U.S. would be requiring anyone leaving Afghanistan on American aircraft would be charged at least $2,000. NatSec Daily reported on Thursday that both Americans…
For some time now, Michael Anton has been saying that the Establishment - Democrats tout court, of course, but also large swaths of the testosterone-challenged GOP - are dead set against allowing Donald Trump to run for president again.
Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton said Monday that white people should recognize their privilege and “practice humility” when tackling the issue of “systemic racism.”
Is he undermining his government's ability to perform or ridding himself of dead weight?
Kanye West is just the figure to bring a needed message that our society should reconsider what it deems praiseworthy.
Three New York Orthodox Jewish rabbis and their congregations sued Gov. Andrew Cuomo for an "anti-Semitic" COVID-19 order.
"China and Russia are keen to recognize Afghanistan's new government," the Afghan news outlet Pajhwok reported Monday.
The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has upheld universal mail-in voting, rejecting Republican claims that legislation approved in 2019 by the commonwealth’s GOP-controlled legislature is unconstitutional.
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg was shocked, Shocked I tell you, that there were people using its data for nefarious reasons, while I documented that he cashed in billions in recent stock sales. Zucke…
WASHINGTON, D.C.—Trump has awarded galactic hero Chewbacca his long-awaited Medal of Bravery for his performance in the Battle of Yavin.The Wookiee had been snubbed by other presidents, who turned him down for the award despite his being nominated numerous times."AMERICAN HERO!" Trump tweeted along with a pic allegedly showing the ceremony …
Seventy years after its first publication, C.S. Lewis's classic 'The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' remains resonant with readers young and old.
A lot of what the political left supports is satanic. I said that Monday evening on Tucker Carlson's Fox News program. Some people loved the comment. Some hated it. Others were confused. Tucker got it and agreed. It's difficult to unpack such a provocative and complex thought inside a short televisi...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott has sent a message to whiny mayors in New York and Washington, D.C.: get ready, because more buses are coming. In recent days, New
Donald Trump suggested that a lawsuit over his controversial Trump University has benefited from the Hispanic ethnicity of the very hostile judge presiding over the case.
Women shall no longer be called women at an all-women?s college in Massachusetts. Professors at Mount Holyoke College have been advised to refrain from using the ?w-word? when referring to the fairer sex. Instead, they are to be known as ?students.? Click here for a free subscription to Todd?s newsletter: a must-read for Conservatives!  Faculty ?
Sounds like there might be a grand jury too
American women deserve far better than what was offered at the so-called “Women’s March.”
We are hobbling ourselves with net zero and wokery, as our rivals grow rich while rejecting our values
California has a $97.5-billion surplus. It's time to invest in water infrastructure, but the state is squandering money and blaming residents.
The real victim here is not the girl. It's the muslim community that will be viciously attacked by islamophobia fueled hatred. Edit: Some people...