There are five reoccurring techniques that Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama uses when he wants to end an argument that he knows he cannot win with facts. O
Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is being thrust in the middle of the Barack Obama-Rudy Giuliani dust-up over love of country. The Republican was asked if former New York City Mayor Giuliani was out of line saying he doesn't believe President Obama loves America. In an interview with the...
Do you even journalism, bro?
Our petulant president is so threatened by Netanyahu's speech on Iran that he is now actively seeking out ways he can undercut and blunt Netanyahu's message, trying to push the alternate message th...
Plus, a chat with Graeme Wood on "What Does ISIS Want?"
"The good news is it's gonna happen. It's happening."..
Top Ten Things Joe Biden Said At This Moment from February 18, 2015.


Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Internet's visual storytelling community. Explore, share, and discuss the best visual stories the Internet has to offer.
George Carlin talking about politically correct and euphemistic language. He goes through great detail and explains many different examples of how euphemisti...
Nearly one-third of the faculty at the University of Pennsylvania Law School have criticized a new university procedure for handling sexual-assault cases that they say undermines traditional safeguards for the accused and could lead to wrongful disciplinary actions against Penn students.
Three of the main speakers at CPAC 2015 support a Convention of States. Can you guess which ones?
Do the rich pay their fair share of taxes? It's not a simple question. First of all, what do you mean by rich? And how much is fair? What are the rich, whoever they are, paying now? Is there any tax rate that would be unfair? UCLA Professor of Economics, Lee Ohanian, has some fascinating and unexpected answers.
Big cheesehead raises big cheddar in Big Apple
Mark Levin was on Hannity tonight and firmly agreed with Giuliani's statement that Obama doesn't love America, going even further to say Obama has contempt for this country. He elaborates in the vi...
Column: It’s not just that Hillary’s corrupt. It’s that she’s also clueless.
Fox News host Bill O'Reilly had sharp words for a Thursday report alleging he misled viewers about his time covering the Falklands War. "It's a bunch of lies and a politically motivated hit piece," O'Reilly told TheBlaze by phone Thursday evening, adding, "Everything I have said is absolutely...
The Lexington Herald-Leader newspaper in Lexington, KY offers local news coverage online. Serving Fayette, Bourbon, Franklin, Clark, Madison, Jessamine, Woodford and Scott counties in Kentucky, Kentucky.com offers local breaking, weather and crime news.
Apparently copied from a College Democrats invitation Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s proposed budget cuts to the University of Wisconsin System have drawn the scorn of education activists, administrators, union members and politicians. The coalition against the college-dropout governor isn’t complete without
Joe Scarborough, host of MSNBC's "Morning Joe," talks about the value of a college degree in objecting to the former Vermont governor's criticism of Wisconsi...

Debbie's damage control

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

Democratic National Committee Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz’s office offered to change her position on medical marijuana if a major Florida donor recanted his withering criticism of her, according to emails obtained by POLITICO. The proposal to Orlando trial lawyer John Morgan was straightforward: retract critical statements he made to a reporter...

The Unalienable Rights of Man

Submitted 9 years ago by ActRight Community

The Left denies the true origin of our Rights.
Hardly a week passes that we don't learn of another mass execution committed in the Mideast by the medieval Islamist thugs in ISIS. But did you know that Muslims children are being executed in the United States? It must be true because I heard it last night on "The Rachel Maddow Show" and, no, it didn't come from defrocked anchor Brian Williams.
Wisconsin governor's NYC visit drew sizable New Jersey wallets.