To highlight racial income disparity, a chef in New Orleans opened a food stall at which he asked whites to pay $30 and people of color to pay $12 for the same meal. How did it play out?

Connecticut on the Brink

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

The wealthy northeastern state’s progressive fiscal model is unsustainable.
President Trump held a meeting on Thursday to discuss violence in video games. It's been said that he "blames mass shooting on video games" but that's not actually his position. That's not anyone's position.
“It is time to shrink the size of government,” sasy Lucy Meckler, Citizens for Self-Governance Club co-president.
The man accused of tackling U.S. Sen. Rand Paul in the Kentucky lawmaker's yard has pleaded guilty to the attack that broke the senator's ribs.
Kristian Saucier, the former U.S. Navy sailor who served one year in prison for taking photos of classified areas inside a nuclear submarine, has been pardoned, White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Friday.
An Ohio professor is being investigated for a Facebook post he made calling for anti-gun citizens to "storm the NRA headquarters" and "make sure there are no survivors."
Talk of “sex change” is a scientific misnomer, argues philosopher Ryan T. Anderson in a recent article, since it is impossible to change someone’s sex by bombarding them with hormones or performing cosmetic surgery on them.
Vice President Mike Pence accepted ABC News star Joy Behar’s apology for mocking his Christian faith, but she didn’t listen when he urged her to express remorse to the people who are truly offended by “The View” co-host’s remarks.
California Governor: DOJ, Sessions's Lawsuit Is An Act Of War - Matt Vespa: Democratic Gov. Jerry Brown had some very strong words for .03/09/2018 12:58:16PM EST.
British police requested military assistance in investigating a nerve agent attack on a former Russian double agent as speculation mounted Friday about how London could respond if a state actor were to blame. Police extended the cordon around the modest suburban home of Sergei Skripal in Salisbury,
The framers of the Constitution specifically gave the power to lay tariffs to Congress in their efforts to keep the Executive's powers constrained.
If you happen to be in the library at Simmons College in Boston – and somebody sneezes — whatever you do — don’t say “God bless you.” That’s because the librarians believe that the phrase “God Bless You” can spark something worse than a microagression. They fear it could spark an Islamophobic microaggression. Tired of …
The ethnic root of a people, this immortal tie forged over centuries, will always defeat a 'democratic' process that treats that ethnic identity poorly or is perceived to do so.

What Does “Created Equal” Mean?

Submitted 6 years ago by ActRight Community

A society that puts equality ahead of freedom will end up with neither equality nor freedom.
The Defense Department is advancing its efforts to include more women in peace-building and conflict resolution processes, taking steps to be a global leader in this arena following the signing of the
Sen. Dick Durbin (Screen Capture)(CNSNews.com) - Sen.
Will President Trump and Kim Jong-un’s meeting resolve the discord or exacerbate it?
A bunch of celebrities reached out to a young man by the name of Keaton Jones yesterday when his video went viral on the Internet. Keaton was recorded by his mother upon being picked up at school on Friday. He consented to the filming of this video. ...
How to make the best of upcoming talks.
The data is the last major economic report before the Federal Reserve decides whether to increase the benchmark interest rate later this month.
For all the hysteria about Russian collusion and President Trump being in Vladimir Putin’s pocket, you would be hard-pressed to find in the mainstream media the fact that the United States military just killed at least a hundred Russian mercenaries, possibly twice that number or more, with hundreds more wounded.
Today is International Women's Day, but when it comes to the female professionals in the Trump administration, there is a clear double standard, Kristin Tate argued Thursday.