Demand HBO Max Cancel Unpregnant Movie and Review Leadership Choices

4,908 Signatures
Target Name Target Organization
Warner Media Group Customer Relations (Warner Media Group)
Jason Kilar, Warner Media Group CEO (Warner Media Group)
Andy Forrsell, Head of HBO Max (HBO Max/Warner Media Group)
Keith Cocozza, SVP for Communications (Warner Media Group)
Kevin Brockman, Global Head of Communications (Warner Media Group)

HBO Max will be releasing a film called "Unpregnant" on September 10th to streaming, based on a young adult novel and described as a "buddy road trip comedy"... about a seventeen year-old girl travelling across state lines to seek an abortion without her parents consent. Read more about this story here.Sign our petition to the leadership of Warner Media Group (which owns HBO Max) calling for the film to be scrapped, and for the anti-life, pro-LGBT executive who runs the network's programming to be removed for this appalling choice!

The Petition

"Unpregnant" should be cancelled, and Sarah Aubrey removed!

To whom it may concerned:

I am appalled by HBO Max’s decision, under the leadership of Sarah Aubrey, to air a “comedy” about abortion, which ends the life of an unborn child and is in any case an issue that is very heart-breaking and sensitive to so many!

Aubrey is using entertainment to push a radical ideological agenda, and doing so in a way that is offensive and hurtful to many people who have had miscarriages or suffered the scars of abortion in their own lives.

Aubrey should be removed from her leadership role, and this hideous film removed from the streaming service’s programming schedule.

Until such time as apology is given and restitution made, I will assuredly not be subscribing to HBO Max nor supporting any other properties over which Warner Media Group has management.

Sign this Petition
