Protect Our Girls: Make Gender Dysphoria Self-Diagnosis Illegal

4,821 Signatures
Target Name Target Organization
President Donald Trump
Mark Meadows, White House Chief-of-Staff
Sen. Mitch McConnell, Senate Majority Leader
Sen. Mike Lee, R-UT
Sen. Josh Hawley, R-MO
Sen. Ted Cruz, R-TX
Sen. James Lankford, R-OK
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-CA
Rep. Steve Scalise, R-LA

Independent medical experts have confirmed that the push behind transgenderism has become so strong that teenage girls are actually able to go into Planned Parenthood and—on the basis of their own self-diagnosissign an informed consent document, and walk out that day with a regimen of testosterone to begin their gender “transition.”This is truly shocking. With no independent medical examination, no prior therapy, no mental health evaluation, no physical exam and not even a required medical history, teenage girls are able to leave Planned Parenthood and other clinics with testosterone, a powerful hormone that has the potential to cause life-altering damage to their bodies. Sign this petition to President Trump and leaders in Congress to make this dangerous and harmful practice illegal.

The Petition

Protect Our Girls: Ban Self-Diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria

Dear President Trump and Government Leaders:

Independent medical experts have confirmed the reports of prominent journalists that the push behind transgenderism in American culture has become so strong that teenage girls are actually able to go into Planned Parenthood and other clinics and, on the basis of their own self-diagnosis, sign an informed consent document and walk out that day with a regimen of testosterone to begin their gender “transition.”

This is truly shocking. With no required independent medical examination, no prior therapy, no mental health evaluation, no physical exam and not even a required medical history, teenage girls are able to leave Planned Parenthood and similar clinics with testosterone, a powerful hormone that has the potential to cause life-altering damage to their bodies.

Not only that, but experts and journalists confirm that some surgeons will actually surgically remove a girl’s breasts based on nothing more than her own self-diagnosis that she suffers from gender dysphoria.

Gender dysphoria is a serious medical condition. Those who undergo treatment for the condition including “gender transition” find themselves on a path that often leads to puberty suppression, cross-sex hormones and surgery. Many end up permanently sterile. Nobody should begin this process without qualified medical assessment and supervision.

It should be against the law for any medical clinic or practitioner to allow a patient to begin invasive medical treatment, including hormone therapies or commencing prescription medications or procedures, without an independent diagnosis from a competent physician.

We urge you to work together to immediately end the practice of self-diagnosis of gender dysphoria as a basis to begin medical treatment for the condition.

In her blockbuster book, (Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters) author Abigail Shrier documents the epidemic of teenage girls who previously showed little or no sign of gender confusion suddenly declaring themselves to be “transgender” and beginning the process of “gender transition.” The book builds on rigorous independent peer-reviewed and published scientific research by Lisa Littman, MD MPH of Brown University that dubbed the phenomenon “rapid onset gender dysphoria.” Dr. Littman and Ms. Shrier found that this situation often follows intense social media immersion and that these girls are quite often part of a friend group with other group members (sometimes all of them) also suddenly claiming to be transgender.

Gender “transition” procedures are serious and can be life-altering and permanent. Giving a teenager access to powerful hormones in order to begin such a course of treatment on the basis of the patient’s own self-diagnosis is unconscionable.

We urge you to act immediately to prohibit this practice.

Sign this Petition
